EA Sports has announced the new features in FIFA 16 and most of them are focused on game-play improvements but nothing too dramatic change. A few animation added in defending and attacking. below is the full list of new features.
FIFA revealed the full set of new features and improvements today 16th june and below are some of the new features and details which were highlighted in the official unveil of FIFA 16 gameplay features.
FIFA 16 will have the “women football” for the first time any video game history. 12 licenced international women teams will be included which can be used to play matches in quick match and custom tournaments. EA has confirmed that players won’t be able to pick men’s team vs women teams.
25 feature changes has been made in the defensive mechanics of the game, sliding taclkes has been improved with length of the tackle can be controled by the player and ability to stop table midway, get up and keep up with the defender.
Most of the new features are in terms of gameplay and the best one is ability to dribble with separating the ball from the player “no touch dribbling” lure defender in and explode pass him at a right opportunity.
few new finishing moves and animation has been added where players will have control over multiple kind of shots to pick in same scenarios. Players can use use the outside of boot or side footed or full blooded strikes will be at players disposal.
Initial Verdict: Both camps has announced full new features details and from the looks of things PES 2016 is coming with more variety of changes both in gameplay and graphic wise while FIFA 16 is more focused on gameplay improvements. I have just seen fist gameplay footage of PES 2016 and it looks like a real deal this time around with better more fluid gameplay compared to PES 2015 and more unique playing styles compared to FIFA. So the first round, before both the games are released, goes to PES 2016.
I would love to know your take on the first set of announcements and trailers, which game is coming with loaded new features and which is the one with lame promises again ? use the comments below to express your opinion.